New to blogging

January 06, 2013  •  Leave a Comment


January 6, 2012


Have never tried blogging before, but wanted to start chronicaling my life in photography.  I want to share with my friends and family and also as a way to remember where, when and how.  Of course, as I age, memory starts fading.  Being the beginning of the year, I thought this was a good time to start.  Not a resolution or anything, too many other things to make resolutions for - weight, skin care, working out, etc.


So first photo outing was last night.  First went to pick up my friend Teresa and went to a gallery in Middletown, we are looking at renting space.  Kind of weird, they are really only open for the first Friday of the month and then for a second look Saturday, but rent is cheap!!  Spoke to a couple of guys who were renting space and they said that they always made enough for rent.  They had some nice images, but very different than Teresa and my work.   Here is the link to the Pendelton Art Gallery -

Next stop, Jungle Jim's.  What a huge and wonderous place full of food!!!  Bought fruit, veggies and assorted things to photograph (and to eat).  This is my second time there, still haven't made it through the entire store, still need to check out the international section. 

We took our purchases to Teresa's house and Rosemary met us there.  Hours and hours of still life photography.  Not real happy with the images, but it was fun!!


Now to see how this looks on the blog page, will add a photo as I upload them. 



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